lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2007

The pen Drives


You need usb port.
They have different capacities from 128 mb to 4gb.
The standard capacity is 1 or 2 gb, so they have much more capacity than a floppy disk.
They are faster and very easy to carry.
You can store all kind of files and folders.
You can also store programes, so you can install them ir another computer or in the pen drive itself.
They are becoming cheaper and cheaper day by day.
Nowadays you can get a 2gb pen drive for less than 20 €.

What are they for?

I want talk about the output and input devices of Pc:


You can input dates with keyboard


A mouse is used to move the cursor rapidly


Using Scanner you can documents in pc.


Are used in many games to contol the game screen.


You use a microphone to speak other people arround the world with your computer.

The most freaks mouse is

Freaks mouse

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2007

CD and Pen drive

Pen drive:

-They diferent tipes capacity

-The standart capacity is 1 o 2 GB

-The pen drive is portable


-Are very common and conform to standart.

-They are removable and can hold about 640MB.

-You cannot change the information on them.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2007

The best mouse

Optical Mouse

Laser Mouse

-The laser mouse is 20 times more sensitive than optical mouse.
-Laser mouse and optical mouse are optical.
-Laser mouse is more cheaper than optical mouse.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2007

the best computer

Procesador Intel® Core 2 Duo T5500 a 1.66GHz, 1024MB de memoria, 100GB de disco, grabadora DVD R9, pantalla 12"TFT y Windows Vista Home Premium.

  • 899.99€

Procesador Intel® Celeron® 430,1024 MB RAM, 80 GB disco duro, t. gráfica hasta 128 MB, grabadora de DVD de doble capa, pantalla 15,4" y Windows Vista Home Premium


  • The tablet pc has more expensive than the laptop.
  • the tablet pc has more capacity than the laptop capacity
  • The laptop sreen is bigger than tablet pc.
  • the laptop has the same RAM capacity as tablet pc.