jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Reporting on a Forum

1- What newsgroups is this?
- UFO's newgroups, alt.alien.vistors
2- Who sent the first message?
- RON, rnosy@hotmail.com
3- When did he send it?
- 06 March 1998
4-Where was flight KN162 going?
- From Dallas to Fargo
5-What did the pilot see?
-He saw in UFO
6-Who sent the second message?
-Ben & Thelma
7-What was the object?
-An Ufo report, explotion of posible experimental flying military test
8-Why do they think so?
-Cause most of the UFO's are saucer-shaped like the one that was crached at Roswell
9-What did the coastguard see?
-He saw 3 winged crafts over Cape Cod
10-What was he doing?
-He was looking for a missing fashing board.

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